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The birth of the association can be traced to the desire of sculptors of Nigerian descent to form a professional association that caters for the needs of the sculptors. A first attempt at such dates to the 1990s when the Guild of Sculptors was formed with Dr. Okay Ikenegbu as its promoter. This pioneering effort which fizzled out at the turn of the 20th century thus serves as historical background to the birth of ScAN.

Specifically, the formation of Sculptors’ Association of Nigeria is the outcome of External Examiners briefings with members of academic staff of the Department of Sculpture, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi with Dr. Okay Ikenegbu and Professor U.N.O Edewor at different times as External Examiners to the Institution. It is critical to mention that, Professor Edewor’s meeting with the Departmental Board in 2016 and 2017 sessions eventually birthed into reality the fore longed dream. At those briefings, the members of Staff included Sculptor Oladapo Afolayan, Dr. Shola Kukoyi, Dr. Taiwo Sullayman, Mr. Festus Oronsaye (he hosted the first WhatsApp chat group), Mr. Momoh Isin, Alloy Emumwen Osagie, Mr. Musa Tijani, Mr. Omodamwen Eguasa and others. To formalize the birthing, a one day National Sculptors conference was called and held on the 21st of March 2018, at Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi. That One-day conference is now referred to as AUCHI SCULPTORS DECLARATION

At the conference, the Associations’ name was ratified and an Interim Executive was installed. The members of that Executive include- Mr. Afolayan Oladapo Emmanuel (President), Dr. Kukoyi Shola (Secretary), Dr. Kehinde Badaru (Treasurer), Mr. Pedro Akande (Financial Secretary), Mr. Fidelis Atuma, later replaced by Mr. Nsikan Ekwere after he relocated abroad (PRO). Other Protem executive members were the Zonal Coordinators in the persons of Prof. Ken Okoli (North West), Mr. Obadan Chris (North Central), Leni Satsi (North East), Mr. Akeem Muriana (South West), Prof. Edewor Nelson (South South) and Prince Obi Igboamazu (South East). Other members of the expanded Exco included Dr. Ademuleya Babasehinde, Dr. Adenle John, Dr. Okay Ikenegbu and Dr. Uwa Usen (former SNA President). The interim executive was installed with specific mandate to; (1) craft a Constitution for the Association, (2) register the association with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and (3) organize a National